I am new to Twitter. I have no idea what I am doing on Twitter. At this point, I am convinced that Twitter is out to get me. It is like a giant vortex of daily details into the lives of people I have yet to meet. Kind of similar to a reality show without the videos to go with it.
But today was seriously interesting. Heck, everyday is interesting. I thought, just for a moment, what if I was one of those people who tweeted every minute? What would my day look like......Here is an insight to the insanity I deal with everyday. Seinfeld style.
#ymca -why is the guy next to me still running while farting?
why do some women at the #ymca think it is cool not to wear a bra?
Dear lady honking her horn at me to run across the parking lot so she can have my spot #seriously?
sugar in my Mcd's coffee again #argh!
just got my toe nearly run over by a lady in a go around at #target
same lady told me I needed to put some lipstick on at #target
no one is feeling the love in the Valentine's aisle at #target - very much the opposite
#Redbox broken at #Kroger means I won't return the movies until my kids are in #college
finding surprise roses at the house #cliche yet melts my heart!
calling a friend who is wanting to go into labor to remind her she isn't in labor yet - #cruel
got a valentine from my 8 year old - #sweetness
going again to another #kroger to find another #redbox broken in the insane men traffic at the floral department - urgh!
watching the puppy pee on the floor yet again #fustrating
telling my 10 year old not to pick her nose, only to get the reply - "Why its' my nose?" #gross
Writing this post and realizing it is bedtime for the munchkins #priceless.