
WIWW - Anniversary Edition

Fourteen Years ago I was a ripe ol' 21!  I got married!  Ekkkkkk.  Such a baby!  But that was 1998, and in 2012 I know it was the best decision I ever made!  I love that guy - he is my buddy.  And while I look back and think, "wow, 14 years is a long time," I don't think it will ever be long enough.  

We have this crazy story of how we got together.  I am sure along the way we made our parents nervous.  I met him at a campaign meeting.  A meeting for MY campaign interestingly enough.  I was running for Vice President of the Student Government Association of Georgia Southern.  One of the guys I was running with was fraternity brothers with Michael.  Michael was hired on to be a PR guy of sorts, but really all he had his eyes on was the "prize".  

the top scanned pic is from our engagement in Maui, the bottom is us dating - ekkk long hair!
That was my freshman year, we dated one time, worked on a few campaign events, then went our separate ways.  I didn't see him for a year. It was at the Piggly Wiggly early spring of my sophomore year, that he reminded me to "call him."  Yea right, girls don't call boys! 

A few weeks later our paths crossed again and that was it.  As cliche as it sounds "the rest is history".  We were engaged for 9 months, which was 6 months longer than we dated. We have traveled the world together, transformed a house no one wanted, waited for a baby together, and are now having the time of our lives raising four together.  

So what I wore on Wednesday is much different that what I wore today.  Thankfully, it still fits.  It might even be a little big.  Hopefully one day, I will see one of my girls wearing it as they start a story of their own!

bad scanned pic - my two favorite guys - my dad and my hubby

1 comment:

  1. WOW! It has really been 14 years? I so remember planning your special day and you helping me with my doomed one. I am thankful that you and I have been friends that long! You two are the best. Love to you both! xo
