
Gotcha Day and Standing in the Gap

Ten years ago today, a Russian judge signed the paper that declared what was always in our hearts - she was ours!

That simple judicial signature granted our family years of snuggles, times of kisses, laughter, crying, fears, happiness, joy, questions, and answers.  

There have been good days.  There have been bad days.  But in the end they are our days and I wouldn't give them up for anything in the world.

But our story of adoption didn't end ten years ago.  Everyday, I thank God for her birth mother -- for her selfless decision.  I thank God for her birth father.  I pray for her extended birth family.  I pray for her nannies and baby's house family. I ask God to bless Russia and her people.  In the ten years, we have had Nina, God has reminded me to stand in the gap for the people who made our family possible.

As we celebrate ten years of Nina, I can not help but remember the people who stood in the gap for us.  
-The people who prayed that God would provide us the child of our dreams (he did).  
-The people who sacrificed dinners out, new clothes, and coffee just to be able to give at our multiple fundraising events. 
-Our pastor friend who was a continual support of wise council.  
-The friends who cleaned my house so we could come home and play family.  
-The people who anonymously gave money so we could finish the journey.

Twelve years ago, our family was called to adopt.  Our orphan is an orphan no more.  That was made possible because someone stood in the gap.  We had nothing to do with it. 

So I ask of you on our 10th Gotcha Day - can we depend on you to stand in the gap for the orphans left behind?  Can our family call you to pray for these children yearning to be loved?  Perhaps, right now, you can stop and lift up a woman making the hardest decision of her life?  Will you forgo your weekly cup of coffee and send 5.00 to a family in the midst of adoption?  Could you volunteer at an adoption fundraiser?  Would you donate items out of your garage to help?  There are countless ways you can stand in the gap for these precious ones.  

Your family may not be called to open your home to one in need but there is no doubt in my mind that God WANTS you to stand in the gap for orphans.  Start today.  In honor of Nina, seek an opportunity today to take care of those so deserving.  

In the next few weeks, I am planning on writing a weekly adoption special.  We will be covering fundraising, good days, bad days, questions as children get older, our story, and our lives now.  I would love to hear your story.  Please share your stories about standing in the gap for orphans too - they are just as important.

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