Ahhhhh, the Finish List.
Not quite the New Year's Resolution List.
Resolutions and things you are going to change. If change is coming a plan needs to be in place.
So in comes the finish list. Written objectives, meeting goals, producing results.
Now, a finish list does not guarantee the results you originally set out for.
The results may be better or they may not be exactly what you had planned.
Either way it is intentional, has a purpose, just make sure that purpose is good.
My Finish List
(my list changes often. I might share of the steps to the goal or I might not. Either way, I will continue to let you share successes and failures.
Will you consider sharing your finish list with me too?
1.Get in the word more often - continual
#shereadstruth and journaling, maybe join a fall bible study
2.Run a Half Marathon - in progress
Sign up for a race -check- going November 3rd 2012. Training - beginning. 5k,10k, practice runs picked.
3.Start a business - in beginning stages of progress
Re-read Proverbs 31 (memorize it), get the ideas I have into their own finish list objectives, get up an hour earlier so this business does not intrude on my first love of being a mom.
3. Loose 20 lbs - see #1. - in progress
4. Blog with purpose - in beginning stages
to be implemented by September 1. Focusing on the themes - Create, Home, Faith, and Love. Get a posting calendar set. Sign up for a campaign - done
5. Use Social Media for Good ONLY. - self explanatory and I know that I will occasionally miss this mark. Work in progress
6. Discover how to create my own graphics- progress
Downloaded free versions of software, purchasing PhotoShop Elements now.
There are a few others too personal too share, they include some very important relationships - maybe even some I am unaware of now.
What is on your finish list? Will you share one? I would love to cheer you on as you go! Accountability is key to loving something!
Need to read more about a finish list? Considering getting Jon Acuff's book - Quitter.
See #3 :0) As soon as this boot comes off (this weekend), game on! :)
ReplyDeleteGoooooooodbye boot! Praise God! And yes, you can!