
School's In

The little league schedule tipped my scale.
Who ever knew that u8 ball would throw this ninja mom into tears.

It started a few weeks ago.

The first day of school was announced.
The supply lists were sent.
The church schedules were set.
The dance academy registrations took place.
Consignment sales were beginning.
My husband's insane commute singed its face.
Middle school instrument fairs began.
Three open houses scheduled.
Preschool registration.
Choi Kwang Do once a week. 

Then little league.  

Little league sucked whatever there was left dry. 

I begin to cringe at what life looked like it would become.
A life of missed family meals.
A life of countless hours in the car.
A life that is beginning to blur.

My heart began to harden. 

Then I remember to be thankful. 

Thankful that my little boy is healthy and can play.
Thankful that my big girl has a dance teacher who not only trains her to dance.
Thankful that my boys have a Choi Kwang Do instructor who allows me to join the class and connect with so many wonderful children.
Thankful for our sweet little school and that my children have the opportunity to learn.
Thankful for my husband's new career.
Thankful that my big girl wants explore art. 
Thankful that God provides the opportunity to provide for my family as a Proverbs 31 woman.
Thankful that I can be present for everything.

Thankful that I am aware ahead of the schedule that it can take over our family's life and thankful that I have the full power not to let it.

1 comment:

  1. Great article, friend! As long as you remind yourself to breathe every once in a while, you'll be fine.
