
Watching Rainbows

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

                                                                              Source: craftster.org via Heather on Pinterest

Psalm 141:2
May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.

                                                                         Source: loveandoliveoil.com via Heather on Pinterest

Then they believed his promises and sang his praise.

Michael and I are in the middle of a storm, a fire storm.  It has been long, hard, exhausting, and it never seems to end.  But for some reason just when we are about to give up our faithful Father picks up the pieces we have scattered about and puts them back together in a way better than when we broke.  

Sometimes it is hard to hear God in the middle of the battle.  All we can hear is the whoosh of the arrows darting pass our heads by the ones who shoot to hit.  But God will speak we just need to be intentional about listening.  

I am looking forward to sharing more about the battle, about our faithful prayer warriors (thanks guys!), and how the outcome turned out to be better than we of little faith could have asked for!  

When you think you got it good, God has plans for it to be even better - just hold on tight! 


So who am I? Are you still dying to know?

There is much more to the story than a sweet little girl sewing with her grandmother.   Here comes the big part, I mean REALLY BIG part!  In 2000, my husband and I were called to adopt!  We had 8,000 in the bank so we were ready to go!  Except for the fact that we were about 42,000 short!  What?  

After much prompting by a friend (thanks Michelle!), a month later I was sewing again!  At the time we had a sweet dog who always knew when we needed an extra nudge.  Her name was Cotton and thus "Cotton's Kisses" was born.

During the next 6 months, many angels opened their homes to my family to host tote parties.  It was similar to a direct sales party except this party I gave our testimony about adoption and a little bit about Michael and I.  The parties were so fun!  During that time, I cried in front of more people than I care to count, met so many new friends, shared stories with complete strangers about infertility and SOLD totes!  A total of 10,000 +  dollars in totes in 5 months!   At the same time, I began crafting boutique items for sale on Ebay.  Both efforts, and tons or prayer, put together more than half our adoption fund.  HOLY COW!

                                                             Source: ohmigoshblog.blogspot.com via Heather on Pinterest

In 20 short months, Michael and I were getting off a plane with our new 19 month old daughter from Moscow, Russia!  All because of sewing (oh and a calling from God)!  We have been home over 8 years now and have added three more little blessings to the mix.  Life is good.

Right now, God is calling my family to walk thru another fire with him.  I am thankful that he has given me a gift to carry my family thru this time!  He is faithful and I must be too! 

Is there maybe a little gift that God has given you to carry your family thru the good and the bad?  What is it?  Are you using it now?  Would you like to use it now?  Why not?


The Queen

I am the queen of a country of six.  I keep the citizens happy with planned activites, well thought-out meals, and a clean dwelling.  I rule in love.  I teach what is right and what is wrong.  But I not do this alone.  

While my country looks to me for consistant/constant leadership there is a silent partner in all I do.  A silent leader rather than a partner.  He shapes my day with his wise words.  He plans my life with the greatest of attention to detail.  He loves me unconditionally.  He died for me so that I may live.  He is Jesus and I am  glad that he is my first "cabinet meeting" of the day!  

Take a few moments today to enjoy a quiet time with the one who plans your life - you will be glad you did.  Then it might just be easier to............

                                                                             Source: flickr.com via Heather on Pinterest


Wouldn't it be fun.............


have a room of my own that looked like this?

                                                                        Source: wakeupfrankie.com via Heather on Pinterest

In a house like this?

                                                                                   Source: None via Heather on Pinterest

Where I would eat tons of these? (and never have to run).

                                                                 Source: 52cupcakes.blogspot.com via Heather on Pinterest

Maybe, for a moment, but then again no,  it wouldn't.  I think I would much rather be where I am.  Where the hugs are plentiful and the adventure is always unraveling!  And where there are cupcakes - just only on birthdays (or fridays).   

Who would want to miss this show?   



Define Mondays - Loyal

loy·al adj \ˈlȯi(-ə)l\
1  : unswerving in allegiance: as
a : faithful in allegiance to one's lawful sovereign or government
b : faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due
c : faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product

Some of the smallest words can have the largest meaning.  We can study the meanings in school, look them up in the dictionary but do we really know what they mean until we see them lived out? 
This past week I met loyalty a few times.  I met it in the eyes of an 8 year old boy when he held his dying furry friend.  My very sick 14 year old husky keeps holding on; not because he wants to be here but because he is loyal to his owners.  A call from a kindergarten friend was yet another reminder of true loyalty.  

Sweet Dakota and his loyal friend Sonny after the loss of their friend the most perfect yellow lab - Cotton

My 13 year marriage to Michael would not be the powerhouse it is today if our loyalty to each other wasn’t so deliberate.  Being loyal takes intention, it takes strength, it takes love.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV - Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.


Thought I would share some Ruffled Love with everyone today!  These little beauties are heading out to Colorado today to The Ruffly Rose.  Emily runs the cutest little flower/gift shop on South Pearl Street!  Oh, how I wish I lived in Colorado so I could go pick my own little bouquet of heaven from there!   Not to mention I have seen some awesome picture of yummy cupcakes!

An interesting thing about the Ruffly Rose is that one night a couple of months ago I was praying about what direction God wanted me to take my little sewing business.  Low and behold, a few minutes later I had an email from Emily saying she had visited the Nina Bina Etsy Store and was interested in placing an order.  Confirmation from God via a very talented florist in Colorado - how neat? 

Thanks Emily for sharing a bit of Sew Four in your little bit of flowered heaven!

If you would like a ruffled headband - just visit the Etsy Store , go to Denver and meet Emily and friends at the The Ruffly Rose or email directly!  Sharing the Ruffly Love would be fun!


Kiwi Paisley

Summer Picnic

Preppy Polka Dot

 Enjoy your Sunday!  



on being brave....

He is 8.
He is brave.

-Tonight -
He held his friend tight.
He kissed his soft fur.
He told him how beautiful heaven is.
He reminded him he loved him.
He remembered the cute way he ran in his wheel.

After an hour together, he had to say goodbye.  He was brave to let his best buddy go.  He cried and thanked God for giving him his friend and for watching over his friend until he meets in heaven. 

He wanted pictures snuggling with his hamster.

How pure his love is.  How thankful he truly is.  Most of all my son showed me how brave he is.  Brave when he didn't know what was going to happen.  Brave enough to look into his sweet pet's eyes until the very end.  Brave because he knows his faith will carry him thru his time of pain.  

Thank you God for the opportunity to grow as a family tonight.  Although we will miss our little buddy dearly I thank you for reminding me how powerful we are together - only thru you.  

Being a mom can be hard, but the rewards so sweet.  Take this weekend to be brave, to be thankful, and to be a family.


Waiting stinks, really it does.  Who wants to wait an hour for a meal, have a longer commute to work, wait our turn in our line - no one!  Waiting seems to have no purpose than to make us mad -- or does it?

Is there a real value to waiting?  There could be.  Years ago, I wanted a baby -BAD.  I was so anxious to have a baby.  When would this baby come?  During that time of anxiety I couldn't get pregnant.  It was only in waiting to get pregnant that God reveal my first child was going to come from someone other than me.  Well, I waited two more years only to travel to Russia and discover the most amazing little toddler who (ironically enough) was waiting on me and my husband!  She wasn't ready 4 years before that.  God knew when she was ready.  And in time, I had my daughter, and three other babies to equal 4!  Now that was worth waiting - don'tcha think?

Right now, my husband and I are waiting on a few big things, really big things.  But I know that God is big and I am so excited to be waiting on him.  Who knows how long it will be.  But, I plan to use that time to seek what he wants me to learn, to be better equipped for when that moment of waiting is over.

 How exciting is that?

Is there something you might be waiting on now?  Where is the opportunity to learn from that time?



So, who am I?

I am Heather.
I love Jesus.
I am a wife.
I am a mom.
I love "real" food.
I craft.
And, I sew! I really love to sew! Seriously, love it, love it, love it!

                                                                          Source: shelikescute.com via Heather on Pinterest

I started sewing when I was 6. My grandmother had this fantastic room in the back of her house filled to the ceiling (she could have easily been on hoarders) with gobs of craftyness! Fabric, Fabric, Fabric! Love it! We would spend hours together creating clothes from scratch for my babies! I would come home with the most fabulous creations!

Eventually sewing turned into something much bigger than doll clothes, but the time I got to spend with my grandmother was the biggest gift of all!

New in the shop are two little wallet purses. Made from some vintage finds and trims from my grandmother's house! So cute, so perfect for summer. 5.5 inches wide and 4 inches tall.  12- each.

Also in the shop, a sneak peek at what is blooming!



A little new!

Isn't pretty? I love the new blog look! It is perfect, well for right now! LIke I promised - 35 was going to be big! But for now I think it is the perfect addition to what SEW FOUR needs.

I would like to thank Heather and Kate of Smitten designs for making such cute things! They went incredibly above what I expected and I can wait to order more and more items from them as SEW FOUR gets rocking and rolling! THANKS GALS!

Tomorrow I will begin to share exactly what SEW FOUR is and what I hope it will become. So join me on Thursdays as I share a little of myself, my craftyness, my kiddos, my life, and my crazy ideas with you!


Define Mondays -I'm late!

For today - it is obvious, I am late!

LATE a (1) : coming or remaining after the due, usual, or proper time <a late spring> (2) : of, relating to, or imposed because of tardiness

Five posts in and I miss a weekend!  An entire weekend!  Ekkkkkk.  Now to give myself an excuse it was my birthday weekend.  Instead of working on looming projects, I spent the weekend enjoy the simple gifts in life; my friends, my family, my dog, my cat, the weather oh and cake!  yes, cake! 

But sometimes, God wants us to be late.  What?  Yes, can you believe in the grand scheme of timers, cell phone, lap tops and other devices that God is still in control of time.  How?  Thru his amazing plan.  For an example, one time I "was late" and had a sweet baby girl 9 months later ;).  Wow, that was a big late!  

So while being on time can be important, remember that as of "late" God is still in control of the timing of all events in your life!  

Happy Late Monday!


So, 35?

Today I'm 35! Wooohooo!

This is a birthday I should dread, right?  You know the whole "closer to 40 than 30?".  Eeeeekkkk!  But 35 you are not that bad, in fact you are pretty good!  At 35, I weigh what I did in high school - that is pretty darn fun to say!

So humor me for a moment while I unwrap my birthday gifts.
- I have been given four beautiful kids who are each unique in so many ways!
- I have been given a hot husband ;)
- I have been given a few dear friends who hold me tight thru the thick and the thin.
- I still have my mind that is continuously filled with creative yummies!
- I have been given the opportunity to live in the south (although I am still a yankee at heart)
- I have been given a renewed confidence to take on the world (one politician at a time :)
- I have seen Dave Matthews! (um, yea highlight of the last year)
- I am blessed, I am loved, I am saved

So 40, I am staring at you.  Not sure if I like the weight of gravity coming on.  But I will take the late 30's embrace then and turn them into something BIG!  Really BIG!  So hold on readers - Heather is taking 35 and making it into something the world will remember.

Now, "let the lady eat CAKE!"


Send this kid to camp!

I have the most amazing daughter!  She is beautiful in so many ways!  She is my special little gift from Russia, a gift I am eternally grateful for!  She is perfect in so many ways!

Ms. N loves being with people and most of all every summer she looks forward to going to camp.  You can help send her to camp this year.  Buy a monogrammed hat for 9 and send this little blessing on to bless others!  You will be glad you did!  Visit my facebook page Nina Bina Embroidery to get more details!  


Just to give you a "head's up"!

I am super excited to add new shabby ruffle headbands to the shop!

The new headbands are super comfy!

The ruffles are to die for daarrrrlinnnnggg!

The contrast stitching is a bit sassy - in a reserved kind of way ;)

Stop on over to the Etsy shop  and grab one of the most loved accessories you will own!  
Nina Bina will thank you!


Define Mondays - gratitude

*Gratitude - the state of being grateful - thankfulness

Today my hubby starts a new job.  An unexpected change but as time moves on I have learned to embrace the unexpected.  I believe that in the darkest hour - the light shines on.

On Monday I am grateful for -
* our prayer partners - remembering that we carry each other thru this journey
* the new job and the exciting adventure it holds
* for the awful man that came to work at the hubby's old job - without him we would not have had the faith to step out (believe it or not!)
* for my children for holding fast and strong
* that God gives us family not only thru blood

I would love to hear what you are grateful for this beautiful Monday!  Leave a comment below.

XO- Heather
My Hubby and our "W"

***visit as I try to define every Monday in its' own unique way

EPH 1:16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers