
Summer Porch

I wasn't really planning on decorating the porch.  
It is small.
My budget is small.
My time is nonexistent. 
But, my husband is wise. 

For my birthday he bought me this great wicker settee and cushion.  He recognized that I had a need to find some place quiet and this was it.  To his credit he tried this same idea last year.  I ruined it.  After had just moving, sad we had to and tight on money - I returned the previous love seat.  To tell you the truth, I appreciate it so much more now.


So we begin with a beautiful brown resin wicker love seat and adorable cushion.

I found a small children's table in the basement that a friend had given me = free end table!  

Then, I discovered a stash of red dot oil cloth in my craft room.  Instead success for a table cloth. = free table covering!

The planter was a gift for Mother's day.  The metal candle stick from my hubbies grandmother's house.

 The pendant garland I made out of scraps of fabric.  I sell a few on Etsy at times (as scraps become available).  Probably cost = my time.

The white chair (about ten years old).  Needs to be painted but hey, I'll take it for now.  

The rug - 3.19.

The pillows, a vintage tablecloth sewn into squares = 8.00 for two pillows.

So a total of 11.00 for out of pocket expenses.  (not including my husband's gifts).  I love the porch.  It is a great place to read.  I really need to finish it and get that chair painted.  So, come on over for sweet tea and let's dream about creating an idea of your own.  

4th of July Burlap Door Decoration

Ok, I love tutorials - the kind with more pictures than words.  I guess I am a visual learner?  Yup.  So here you go!  Just had to share.  It isn't rocket science but hopefully it will inspire.  

Supplies - burlap, dot painting brushes, pins, paint, scissors, and wrapping paper or brown kraft paper

Cut a shape out of wrapping paper.  I have a problem with straight lines so my star is a bit wonky.  That is ok, I am too.

Using template, cut two of the burlap shapes.  I pin burlap together and cut.  Then pin burlap shapes onto a plastic surface (so paint won't bleed through).

Let dry - duh?

And the rest I forgot pictures!  Hot glue two sides together.  Leave a small gap in the middle to insert "stuffing.  I use Publix sacks.  Not to much.  Just enough to hold shape.  Glue shut.Glue on bow etc. etc. 

Ta-da!  Done!  I used a cheap plastic hanger hot glued to the back.  Holds the star shape perfect.  And it is free!  _ yippppeeeeeee

Total cost - 3.25 and 30 minutes time.  


Summer signals new Starts

I love summer! 
It is all fresh and new! 
Sunshine and roses! 

Summer means freedom!
Summer brings birthdays (mine and the acrtictects)! 

Summer bring fun!

Summer brings family!

Summer means writing!

Summer means creating! 

It has been a killer few months.  It has many weeks of treading water.  I am so tired of everyday stress.  It is now that I stress less and celebrate more!  Everyday is a gift and this summer will be no different!  Come join the fun!