Hello Tuesday (that was suppose to be Monday).
Really did Monday go? And with that - why is the week going so fast? I am so not ready to eat turkey yet. Well, certain turkey.
Hello to election day! Did you vote? We did, in the rain. Then we took a rare trip to the mall to look for big boy clothes. Miss on the clothes but score on pretzels from Auntie Anne's!
Hello to now being the mother to a 11, 9, 7 and THREE year old! Three - how did you get here so quickly? And three, how will I ever survive you?
Hello to letting the leader pick dinner - cheese sticks and egg rolls. Doesn't get much more healthier than that.
Hello to beautiful leaves EVERYWHERE.
A sad hello to a boy not feeling so well. Strep is not nice.
Hello to a very smart boy who finds reading a waste of time. He actually smiled while diving into a Dr. Seuss book this week. I pray that he loves to read one day. And that he loves to write just as much.
The next two weeks I'm saying hello to some new self designed branding. Hello to a new look and new beginning for my Etsy shop. Hello to some marketing and hello to brand new efforts. Hello to hope. I would like you to meet faith along the way to discovering new things I never thought I had in me.
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