Friends with Benefits
I’m slowly beginning to embrace the words “bloggy friends.” At first, it sounded so strange. How could you have friends that you never get to hug? How much could you really know about these people who write and are not seen? Bloggy friends -- how could this loud, huggy, touchy feely person ever have any?
But I have found that bloggy friends are a wonderful addition to my life. Now, don’t get me wrong -- I love my friends. You know the people I grew up with. The ones I celebrated college with. The girls that were in my wedding. That gals I have around here! They each so very special to me for so many different reasons.
Bloggy friends just enhance an already awesome life. I found that bloggy friends encourage you full throttle. Bloggy friends see your heart for what it is (especially when that is all you have to offer on your blog). This group of friends covers the world. They have had experiences that I have had. In the short time I have had my bloggy friends, I have learned so much about myself, them, and the other friendships I have. I get emails and tweets on just the right days. They are creatively forming me into the writer God intended.
Sometimes Bloggy friends even surprise you with packages! Can I tell you how much I LOVE getting mail? When you are a grown up, you never get mail -- well except bills. Bloggy friends also send you stuff! How exciting is that? Especially when your bloggy friends work for a snack company - it can be exciting to get a package! I felt the bloggy love the other day when @ejbarrett surprised our family with a case - yes big case, of Little Debbie goodies! How yummy is that? Not only did I get to have a great breakfast with Emily on my first day of Blissdom, I got some bloggy love a couple of weeks later via sugar!
Emily, you rock! Thanks for the bloggy love! It was yummy!
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