I must tell you, I am blown away from this fall season of sewing! To say I am thankful for your support is an understatement! I can not begin to tell you how much it means to me seeing you all give my items as gifts, wear my bags around town, and put my appliqued shirts on your little ones. A girl can cry at such things! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Thank you for your purchases. Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for watching my kids while I sewed. Thank you for coming to events. Thank you for writing on my facebook page. WOW, Thank you!
I am planning some new things for 2012. A better blog, a better shop, a bunch of giveaways. Until then, I'm planning on enjoying the next two weeks praising God for the birth of his son! I'm proud to be his daughter and blown away by the fact that he choose me for such a grand life!
Love you all! Merry Christmas!